21 Day Fast, Aug 7-28th


August 8, 2022 - August 28, 2022    
All Day

Event Type

Join Pastor Harris at 6:30am weekdays on FaceBook Live for prayer.

Corporate Prayer List

1. Spiritual awakening across Cedar Hill, the Southwestern portion of
DFW Metroplex, and the U.S.

2. For the people of The Point to be strong in their commitment to the

3. For the growth of the Sunday and Wednesday services to touch more

4. For members to increase in their faithfulness to God and to The Point

5. For God to direct all aspects of our lives and pursuits (careers,
business endeavors, investments, decisions, etc.) and have us to respond
in faith and obedience to HIM

6. For men, women, children, and all other ministries at The Point to be
strengthened and effective in getting the Word out to others and getting
the Word IN to their spirits

7. Increased faithfulness and stewardship of all resources (Time,
Talent, and Treasure) individually and collectively

8. Schools, Students, Teachers, Administrators, and Government Officials

9. Pray for the Peace of Israel, our nation (USA) and all others.