Consecration Fast 2022


January 5, 2022 - January 11, 2022    
All Day

Event Type


JAN 5 – JAN 11


To consecrate means to make or declare something; to dedicate formally to a religious or divine purpose. It is very important as we move into 2022 that we, the body of believers at Point of Light Church, consecrate or dedicate to Him the beginning portion of each year by fasting and praying. Every year during consecration, we see God operate powerfully in the ministry at Point of Light as we deny our flesh for a spiritual and natural purpose. Indeed, our spirits, souls, and bodies are cleansed and renewed during this special time. So we take this sacred time of prayer and fasting seriously as we look forward to what God has in store for us collectively and individually each year.

Each year we usually dedicate the first 7 days to this consecration fast. 


If you are a Member/Visiting Member of Point of Light Church, you ought to be determined to be in the flow of what the Lord is saying to us together. As your Pastor, I have to answer to God for your growth and ability to hear a Word from the Lord. I also want to see your faith grow, and challenge you to be the best that you can be. So you should want to fast with us, and I trust that you will. In addition to growing strong corporately, there are many individual benefits of fasting. 


1.       Is a practice that God commands. We have provided some scriptures on the site for you to study.

2.       Moves God and moves you!

3.       Quiets your flesh, making it easier to hear the Holy Spirit, and your inner spirit.

4.        Is an opportunity for you to show your flesh who is in control. You rule you!

5.       Strengthens your spirit as you dedicate that time to prayer.

6.       Creates a bond with your Kingdom family as we unite together in prayer.

7.       Cleanses toxins from your body, helping you to start the year healthy.


II Chronicles 20:1-15

Ezra 8:21-23

Isaiah 58:1-9

Joel 1:13-14

Jonah 3:3-10

Matthew 4:2

Matthew 6:16-17

Mark 2:19-20

Acts 13:2-3

Acts 14:23


During the fast, we will pray in efforts to communicate with God on a consistent basis. I trust that as you are denying your flesh, your spirit man is better able to hear from the Lord. Here at the beginning of the year, there is no time like the present to focus on what the Lord is saying to you concerning your future.

Daily Prayer is paramount at this time.   During this year’s consecration, I want you all, wherever you may be, to pray.


Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for the revelation of Who YOU are:

·         For the glories to be found only by the reality of the Holy Spirit

·         For an understanding of Who You are through the washing and the cleansing of the blood

·         For being translated out of this world into the power and the kingdom of Your dear Son

·         For walking not according to the dictates of this real but of YOUR world

I ask for Your help because I need it very desperately.  Lord Jesus, not only now, but moment by moment as I undertake this act of obedience to YOU for spiritual growth.

Father, glorify your Son in my life and my family.  Help me in my weakness individually, and help my family in our corporate weaknesses.  Strengthen us in every aspect of our lives.  Exchange your strength for our weakness as you use this time of preparation to equip us for responsibilities in YOUR kingdom, at home, at work, and in our respective communities.

I give You the glory, honor, and gratitude for what you are building in me individually and through me corporately.  I want to be a difference maker in every endeavor.

As I undertake this obedient act of fasting, please open my eyes so that I will have greater insight into your will and your plan for me and my family.  Deal with my heart so that I remain sensitive to your leading as you speak to me in 2022 and beyond.

In the name of Jesus, I come against all the works of evil that would try to debilitate me in any way.  I am fully persuaded in the finished work of my LORD, Jesus Christ, on the cross.  And, I proclaim with HIS stripes we are healed—in spirit, soul, and body.

I thank you in advance for signs and wonders following in my life individually and all corporate endeavors.  Receive the glory NOW.  In the name of Jesus, I pray and believe, Amen


There are two basic types of fasts, Total (water only) and Partial (abstaining from specific items). Jesus fasted 40 days and 40 nights, and though we are to be like Him, I am not asking you to abstain from nourishment for such a long period of time. But I am asking you to do something!


1| Sun up to sun down

2| One meal per day (no sweets!)

3| No caffeine: coffee, soda, or tea (This may be a great time to give up soda altogether since it is so bad for you.)

4| The Daniel Fast/Zone Diet (;

5| Fruits and vegetables only, no meat

6| No complex carbohydrates: bread, pasta, potatoes, sweets

7| No tobacco (If tobacco has you, this is a great time to kick it out of your life.)

Pastor Julius’ Fast

I believe God to keep me through a fast which will include one meal per day and only water and fruit juices at all other times for 7 days.


·         Playing board games or participating in other family activities

·         Reading a book

·         Visiting friends or family members

·         Learning a new craft or hobby

·         Finishing a project or chore

·         Journaling

·         Reading the Word

·         Praying

·         Resting

Please remember that this is a corporate undertaking for spiritual growth.  I will ask each person who is taking medication that requires food intake to choose from options that will not affect your health in any way.  If needed, consult your physician to ask for advice in choosing a fast that will allow you to participate with adversely affecting your health.  This is God glorifying time and HE will keep us as we undertake this time of consecration to HIM.


Consecration is whole-hearted devotion.  Your eyes have been opened and you are giving yourself wholly over to the Lord. 

1.      Consecration prepares you for an unknown future.  (Joshua 3:2-17)

2.      Consecration prepares you to stand before 2 people:  God and your enemies  (Joshua 7:6-14)

3.      Consecration purifies your heart motivations. Your consecration represents your purity (Matthew 5:8; Job 1:1, 5)

4.      Consecration averts God’s judgment and brings God’s presence.  (Joel 2:15-17; Hebrews 10:26-31).

5.      Consecration makes the spiritually weak strong.  Sanctification is your way to perfection and maturity.  (Hebrews 7:23-28, 10:14)

6.      Consecration is your way to God through the blood of Jesus, who is our High Priest forever—“holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners”—interceding on our behalf.  (Hebrews 7:17-28; Jeremiah 13:15-17)

7.      Jesus is our role model for a consecrated life (Hebrews 10:9-14; 2 Timothy 2:17-21)